Four Months Old
Merry Christmas
Weight:12.4 lbs
Length:25 inches
Diaper Size:1
Drinks: 4.5 - 5oz at each feeding
Wearing: 0-3month but not for much longer. All Christmas gifts were 3-6 months.
Ryan is truly starting to show his personality. He is a very happy baby even when he wakes in the morning. He laughs and giggles all the time. Mommy loves to hear him laugh out loud at her funny faces. Oh and Ryan can talk... He loves to gurgle and babble ... And he has even started to fuss when he is hungry ( not really tears - just loud grunts) it sort of looks like a temper tantrum, but at 4 months... It can't be! Mommy is not having that. Ryan is very alert and attentive. He likes to be carried around to different parts of the house and he looves when people talk to him. He had a great time with family on Christmas Day, but Mommy was really sick! He got lots of toys and clothes for his first Christmas. It's time for a toy chest.
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